Initially founded in 2004 under the banner of Global Trust, the firm now known as Company Global began its journey by bolstering export and import activities in our nation. Recognizing the evolving needs of our clients, we soon branched out into establishing overseas companies, leveraging the expertise of our partners who are well-versed in the tax and legal frameworks of pertinent countries. In 2021, we unified our various group companies under the singular identity of Global Trust, continuing our advisory services under the new moniker, Company Global.
Company Global is dedicated to aiding investors seeking to penetrate international markets or scale their enterprises, aligning with their business objectives. Our services span a wide array, including company formation, accounting, tax optimization, and facilitating online transactions. As a premier consulting entity in the United Arab Emirates, we excel in uncovering optimal investment and business partnership opportunities for our clients across diverse regions. We provide comprehensive analyses and insights, ensuring our clients forge effective and prosperous relationships with local markets. With Company Global, you are empowered to not only grow your business but also to anticipate and navigate the outcomes of every strategic move you make.